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Learn more about the Waikato Family Centre and its professional support team

We have a team of qualified nurses and health professionals.

Founded in 1996, the team of qualified health professionals at the Waikato Family Centre provide FREE advice and guidance to whānau throughout the greater Waikato Region. 

We provide young families with a safe and non-judgemental space for you to learn and feel supported. 
The experienced friendly team at the Waikato Family Centre are here for you and your whānau. 

Our purpose is to provide support, resources, and guidance for families in the community and the greater Waikato, in an openly communicating environment. We want to support and guide families with our expertise and knowledge with the concerns they are struggling with, relating to their babies and under 2-year-olds. 

Our Vision is to continue to support families of the community and the greater Waikato and share our knowledge and expertise with families as they adjust to parenthood.

To grow our integral service into the communities. We will continue to meet the needs of the communities by growing our service of further education sessions. 

To continue to work alongside Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialists, Mothercraft, Plunket, Midwives, NICU and Perinatal Mental Health to provide the optimal care for women and their families and provide a positive outcome. 

To continue to prevent admissions to Mothercraft, GP’s ED, and Perinatal Mental Health to provide the best outcome for our families/whānau. 

Our dedicated and passionate health professionals consist of a Nurse Manager, Office Administrator, Registered Nurses, Karitane Nurses, and volunteers.

Jo Coulter

Nurse Manager, Registered General Nurse & Registered Midwife

Jan Graafhuis

Registered General Nurse, Obstetrics Nurse & Plunket Certificate

Beverley Peterson

Registered General Nurse, Obstetrics Nurse & Plunket Certificate

Kate Allen

Registered General Nurse & Plunket Certificate

Abbey Weston

Registered Nurse

Raewyn McKenzie

Office Manager & Funding Convenor

Jenny Bird

Registered General Nurse, Obstetrics Nurse & Plunket Certificate (Casual)

Vicki Phillips

Community Karitane (Casual)

Gill Baker

Registered Nurse (Casual)

Our Board of Trustees are a highly motivated team who are passionate about the Waikato Family Centre and what service it provides to families.

Laura Monahan


Karen Fraser

Vice Chairperson

Thach Tran


Aimee Crosby


Rosemary Poole


Tamsyn Hague

Finance KPMG

Jo Coulter

Nurse Manager

Raewyn McKenzie

Minute Secretary

We would like to thank the following funders for the valuable contributions they have made to the on-going operation of the Waikato Family Centre.

We would like to thank the following funders for the valuable contributions

In order to continue to provide our services to families throughout the greater Waikato region, we rely upon the generosity of your donations.  

If you are in a position to donate to help the Waikato Family Centre, please click the button below.


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